
STAR WARS Galaxies

Here is my attempt at an all-inclusive Star Wars Galaxies page. The best place to get information about SWG is from other players. I have compiled information from players, online sources and from my own experiences to create a place where players can quickly get information, share comments and provide feedback in an unofficial webpage format.


I have 2 characters that I play in the game. One is in the Ahazi galaxy named Aitiat, and the other is in Chilastra named Enzio.

I usually play as Aitiat since I am guilded and have gained more skills. Now I am beginning to take a little bit of time to create this webpage. My excuse for not working on this page, is that I'm playing the game and having fun doing that. When I am in the need for a break from that, I will try to get this page more complete and up-to-date. I hope the content beyond this page is useful as you play Star Wars Galaxies!

I apoligize for the lack of pretty visuals in this page. I hope that the quality of the content makes up for the lack of design for now.

If you have suggestions or comments send me an e-mail either to my characters (Aitiat - on Ahazi or Enzio - on Chilastra) or from this link: